Total Eclipse, August 2017

Photo Data
- Location: 42.611289, -112.864906
- Date/Time Original: 2017:08:21 06:16:24.499
- GPS Altitude: 1454.3 m Above Sea Level
- Shutter Speed: 1/15
- Aperture: 2.2
- ISO: 320
- Focal Length: 4.2 mm (35 mm equivalent: 29.0 mm)
- Camera Model Name: iPhone 5s
- Bits Per Sample: 8
- Brightness Value: -0.4791118902
- Circle Of Confusion: 0.004 mm
- Color Components: 3
- Color Space: sRGB
- Components Configuration: Y, Cb, Cr, -
- Compression: JPEG (old-style)
- Encoding Process: Baseline DCT, Huffman coding
- Exif Byte Order: Big-endian (Motorola, MM)
- Exif Image Height: 2448
- Exif Image Width: 3264
- Exif Version: 0221
- Exposure Compensation: 0
- Exposure Mode: Auto
- Exposure Program: Program AE
- Exposure Time: 1/15
- F Number: 2.2
- Field Of View: 63.7 deg
- Flash: Off, Did not fire
- Flashpix Version: 0100
- Focal Length In 35mm Format: 29 mm
- GPS Altitude Ref: Above Sea Level
- GPS Date Stamp: 2017:08:21
- GPS Date/Time: 2017:08:21 12:16:22.99Z
- GPS Dest Bearing: 86.24442289
- GPS Dest Bearing Ref: True North
- GPS Horizontal Positioning Error: 10 m
- GPS Img Direction: 86.24442289
- GPS Img Direction Ref: True North
- GPS Latitude: 42 deg 36' 40.64" N
- GPS Latitude Ref: North
- GPS Longitude: 112 deg 51' 53.66" W
- GPS Longitude Ref: West
- GPS Speed: 22.81
- GPS Speed Ref: km/h
- GPS Time Stamp: 12:16:22.99
- Hyperfocal Distance: 1.82 m
- Lens Info: 4.15mm f/2.2
- Lens Make: Apple
- Lens Model: iPhone 5s back camera 4.15mm f/2.2
- Light Value: 4.5
- Make: Apple
- Metering Mode: Multi-segment
- Orientation: Horizontal (normal)
- Resolution Unit: inches
- Scale Factor To 35 mm Equivalent: 7.0
- Scene Capture Type: Standard
- Scene Type: Directly photographed
- Sensing Method: One-chip color area
- Software: 10.3.3
- Sub Sec Time Digitized: 499
- Sub Sec Time Original: 499
- Subject Area: 1631 1223 1795 1077
- White Balance: Auto
- Y Cb Cr Positioning: Centered
- Y Cb Cr Sub Sampling: YCbCr4:2:0 (2 2)
We tried to get to sleep early. We finally retired around midnight, though I had trouble falling asleep and woke up like 3 times to go to the restroom between when I finally fell asleep around 12:30 and when the alarm woke us up at 4:30AM. Greg slept better, fortunately, since he was driving.