Faulty Roadtrip - May 2018

Photo Data
- Date/Time Original: 2018:04:28 15:43:40
- Camera Model Name: DMC-ZS100
- Bits Per Sample: 8
- Color Components: 3
- Color Space: sRGB
- Components Configuration: Y, Cb, Cr, -
- Cropped Area Image Height Pixels: 4431
- Cropped Area Image Width Pixels: 30000
- Cropped Area Left Pixels: 8863
- Cropped Area Top Pixels: 9606
- Encoding Process: Baseline DCT, Huffman coding
- Exif Byte Order: Big-endian (Motorola, MM)
- Exif Version: 0231
- Flashpix Version: 0100
- Full Pano Height Pixels: 23840
- Full Pano Width Pixels: 47680
- Make: Panasonic
- Projection Type: equirectangular
- Resolution Unit: None
- Software: Hugin 2016.2.0.be8da0221960 built by Niklas Mischkulnig
- Source Photos Count: 7
- Stitching Software: Hugin
- Use Panorama Viewer: True
- User Comment: -.Projection: Equirectangular (2).FOV: 251 x 117.Ev: 15.21
- XMP Toolkit: Image::ExifTool 10.50
- Y Cb Cr Positioning: Centered
- Y Cb Cr Sub Sampling: YCbCr4:4:4 (1 1)
A rut was weathered into the valley floor here.
While I was taking these pictures, another driver asked me if this was the fault. I had to admit that at the time I did not know where exactly it was, but I knew it was not here. (I actually thought it was on the west end of the valley, rather than the east along the mountains in the background of this panorama).