Old Padre Dam
Photo Data
- Location: 32.839544, -117.043161
- Date/Time Original: 2012:04:22 18:27:15
- GPS Altitude: 88.7 m Above Sea Level
- Shutter Speed: 1/500
- Aperture: 5.6
- ISO: 800
- Focal Length: 21.7 mm (35 mm equivalent: 101.0 mm)
- Lens: 5.2 - 26.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 24.2 - 120.9 mm)
- Camera Model Name: Canon PowerShot S100
- AE Setting: Normal AE
- AEB Bracket Value: 0
- AF Area Heights: 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18
- AF Area Mode: Multi-point AF or AI AF
- AF Area Widths: 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18
- AF Area X Positions: -18 0 18 -18 0 18 -18 0 18
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- AF Image Height: 100
- AF Image Width: 100
- AF Point: Face Detect
- AF Points In Focus: 4
- Aspect Ratio: 4:3
- Auto Exposure Bracketing: Off
- Auto ISO: 391
- Auto Rotate: None
- Base ISO: 200
- Bits Per Sample: 8
- Bulb Duration: 0
- Camera ISO: Auto
- Camera Type: Compact
- Canon Exposure Mode: Easy
- Canon Firmware Version: Firmware Version 1.00
- Canon Flash Mode: Off
- Canon Image Height: 3000
- Canon Image Size: Large
- Canon Image Type: IMG:PowerShot S100 JPEG
- Canon Image Width: 4000
- Canon Model ID: Unknown (0x3110000)
- Categories: (none)
- Circle Of Confusion: 0.006 mm
- Color Components: 3
- Color Space: sRGB
- Components Configuration: Y, Cb, Cr, -
- Compressed Bits Per Pixel: 3
- Compression: JPEG (old-style)
- Continuous Drive: Continuous, Speed Priority
- Contrast: Normal
- Control Mode: Camera Local Control
- Cropped Image Height: 3000
- Cropped Image Width: 4000
- Custom Rendered: Normal
- Date Stamp Mode: Off
- Digital Zoom: None
- Digital Zoom Ratio: 1
- Drive Mode: Continuous Shooting
- Easy Mode: Unknown (60)
- Encoding Process: Baseline DCT, Huffman coding
- Exif Byte Order: Little-endian (Intel, II)
- Exif Image Height: 3000
- Exif Image Width: 4000
- Exif Version: 0230
- Exposure Compensation: 0
- Exposure Mode: Auto
- Exposure Time: 1/500
- F Number: 5.6
- Field Of View: 20.2 deg
- Firmware Revision: 1.00 rev 4.00
- Flash: Off, Did not fire
- Flash Bits: (none)
- Flash Exposure Compensation: 0
- Flash Guide Number: 0
- Flash Output: 0
- Flashpix Version: 0100
- Focal Plane Resolution Unit: inches
- Focal Plane X Resolution: 13651.87713
- Focal Plane Y Resolution: 13636.36364
- Focal Units: 1000/mm
- Focus Continuous: Single
- Focus Distance Lower: 0 m
- Focus Distance Upper: 2.57 m
- Focus Mode: Single
- Focus Range: Auto
- GPS Altitude Ref: Above Sea Level
- GPS Date Stamp: 2012:04:23
- GPS Date/Time: 2012:04:23 01:27:11Z
- GPS Latitude: 32 deg 50' 22.36" N
- GPS Latitude Ref: North
- GPS Longitude: 117 deg 2' 35.38" W
- GPS Longitude Ref: West
- GPS Map Datum: WGS-84
- GPS Status: Measurement Active
- GPS Time Stamp: 01:27:11
- GPS Version ID:
- Hyperfocal Distance: 13.04 m
- Image Stabilization: Unknown (258)
- Image Unique ID: 64e10c71edddecf61e9cfcb5ecf39d95
- Interoperability Index: R98 - DCF basic file (sRGB)
- Interoperability Version: 0100
- Lens ID: Unknown 5-26mm
- Lens Type: Unknown (-1)
- Light Value: 10.9
- Long Focal: 26 mm
- Macro Mode: Normal
- Make: Canon
- Manual Flash Output: n/a
- Max Aperture: 5.6
- Max Aperture Value: 5.6
- Measured EV: 11.47
- Metering Mode: Evaluative
- Min Aperture: 8
- My Color Mode: Off
- ND Filter: Off
- Num AF Points: 9
- Optical Zoom Code: 99
- Orientation: Horizontal (normal)
- Primary AF Point: 4
- Quality: Fine
- Rating: 0
- Record Mode: JPEG
- Related Image Height: 3000
- Related Image Width: 4000
- Resolution Unit: inches
- Saturation: Normal
- Scale Factor To 35 mm Equivalent: 4.6
- Scene Capture Type: Standard
- Self Timer: Off
- Self Timer 2: 0
- Sensing Method: One-chip color area
- Sensitivity Type: Standard Output Sensitivity and Recommended Exposure Index
- Sharpness: 0
- Shooting Mode: Unknown (60)
- Short Focal: 5.2 mm
- Shot Number In Continuous Burst: 2
- Slow Shutter: Off
- Spot Metering Mode: Center
- Valid AF Points: 9
- VRD Offset: 0
- White Balance: Auto
- Y Cb Cr Positioning: Co-sited
- Y Cb Cr Sub Sampling: YCbCr4:2:2 (2 1)
- Zoom Source Width: 4000
- Zoom Target Width: 4000